The Turbulent Storm On The Sea Of Life
https://vimeo.com/1011899248?share=copy#t=0 Texts: Mark 4: 35-41Key verses: Mark 4:37–39 (NLT)37 But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began
https://vimeo.com/1011899248?share=copy#t=0 Texts: Mark 4: 35-41Key verses: Mark 4:37–39 (NLT)37 But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began
Text: Genesis 45: 1-8Key verse: vs. 5 (NLT) 5 But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It
Text: John:1-11Key Verse: John 8:10–11 (MSG)10 Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?”11 “No one, Master.”
Text: 1Peter 1: 14-19Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:17 (MSG)17 You call out to God for help and he helps—he’s a good Father that way. But don’t
Bible Text: Proverbs 1:1-19Key verse: Proverbs 1:10 (The message) Dear friend, if bad companions tempt you, don’t go along with them.
Psalm 42:1 (NLT) As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.